Client Component
Client component is a windows service that monitors system resources and takes necessary actions.
Hubble Eye is an instrumenting tool to monitor remote Machines'
resourses and take necessary actions by setting up some rules on a central location.
Some of the example remote commands are "Task List", "End Task" and some of the example rules are
defined by monitoring CPU or RAM usage and taking necessary actions accordingly.
Client component is a windows service that monitors system resources and takes necessary actions.
You can use your social network account to login into the server UI and obtain a new device Id and download the setup accordingly.
First create a device entry in your account on the server and then download the setup wizard to install the service on the remote machine. Your device is ready to monitor afterwards.
List, search, start or stop running processes remotely.
Live chart of overal cpu/memory usage or only for a specific task.
Embed the server monitor charts in your own website.
Get notification when certain rules are met.